Thursday, September 8, 2011

Delicious Smoothies

This summer I have made an art of dining on Smoothies. Not only are they cool and nutritious on hot summer evenings but they also create very little mess and they don't heat up the kitchens.

My smoothy recipe is very flexible and lends itself to most any fruit I have on hand. Take about half a cup of plain Greek yogurt and a half cup milk and place them both in a blender. Add a tablespoon of milled flax, for the vitamin B and omega 3s. Throw in a banana (I prefer to use a frozen sliced banana and most of the fruit I use is frozen.) The banana give your smoothy a thicker, creamier texture and adds a natural sweetness to the drink. Next throw in any fruit combination that sounds tasty to you. I like to use summer fruits and melons. Occasionally I create a fruit free smoothy with cocoa powder, peanut butter and of course the frozen banana. One problem I had was deciding what to do with the left over smoothy when I have made too much for one meal. My solution was to by Popsicle molds. Once the popsicles are frozen they make a tasty snack anytime of the day!