Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Rainbow

Last night I was not in the best of moods. As a matter of fact I was really angry about several ongoing situations in my life, none of which I am able to do anything about right now. I was also angry because it was Christmas eve and the rain was coming down in buckets. I was planning to drive to South Mississippi to visit my family and from the weather report, I knew that I would be traveling along with the storm. I was tired and I considered postponing my trip till this morning but in the end I decided not to. I went home to get my suitcase and when I came out the rain had stopped. Looking off to the West I could see the tattered edges of the storm clouds breaking apart. As I watched a pale, watery golden sunbeam shone into my eyes. As I turned my car east black rain clouds laced with lightening loomed. Then I remembered my days as a rainbow hunter. I was a fledgling amateur photography with a love of rainbows. After reading an article in Popular Photography, I set out to capture one of those breath taking calendar rainbows. I caught many rainbows but never the grand one I was seeking. Glancing south I saw the rainbow. It was three rainbows really, two pale ones on either side of an absolutely awesome and breath taking rainbow. The colors were so intense and pure they took my breath away. Once I had seen it I hated to tear my eyes from it to attend to my driving but I watched furtively as I drove expecting it to disappear any moment. I was amazed at the color saturation and the way the colors seemed to wash over everything. The colors were so vibrant that they seemed to have actual weight. I tracked the arc of the rainbow until it vanished in a pastel splash that seemed to churn and froth in the distant city streets. The rainbow finally faded as I crossed the Pearl River but by then I has a smile in my heart and I was looking forward to the weekend.



BethanyC said...

Sounds like a beautiful start to your trip. Glad you made the effort to come over.

Chiang Guy said...

Sounds Beautiful. I hope you had a good Christmas. Happy New Year and best wishes for 2010!